Press Release

Welch Calls to Protect Medicaid Amid Republican Threats to Care

Apr 28, 2023

Senator Peter Welch (D-Vt) joined Protect our Care for a press conference during Medicaid Awareness Month to highlight the importance of protecting access to care for Medicaid enrollees. This week, House Republicans passed a debt bill that–if enacted–could kick millions of Americans off Medicaid by enacting burdensome work requirements. 

He was joined by Representative Jan Schakowsky (IL-09); Anne Shoup of Protect Our Care; Nicole Jorwic of Caring Across Generations, and Jyll Allen, a patient advocate from Vermont who relies on Medicaid for their care.  

“Medicaid offers essential health coverage to Vermonters who otherwise couldn’t afford health care” said Sen. Welch. “The House GOP’s debt plan to attach work requirements to Medicaid would kick thousands off of their health insurance. It would be absolutely detrimental to those who need access to essential care, including seniors and people living with disabilities. I’m thankful for the advocacy work of Protect our Care and Caring Across Generations, and will continue to stand up and protect Medicaid from these misguided cuts.” 

“Republicans should be ashamed that they are more willing to default on the nation’s debt than guarantee affordable health care for families across America,” said Protect Our Care Communications Director Anne Shoup. “Imposing these burdensome paperwork requirements will result in as many as 21 million people losing their health care, throwing patients and hospitals and other providers into chaos as they are forced to pick up the tab. This default bill not only attempts to rip away health care for millions of people who rely on Medicaid, but it also cuts critical health programs by 22 percent. The Republicans have one goal in mind with this legislation: rip away benefits and deny people access to health care.” 

April is Medicaid Awareness Month. 

Watch the press conference here
