Press Release

Welch Statement on the Death of a Member of Anera, an American Aid Organization, in Gaza

Mar 11, 2024

“The report that a humanitarian aid worker from Anera, an American aid organization, was killed in Gaza on March 8th, is the latest tragedy in a relief effort that has not only not gone far enough—but is failing. The circumstances of his death should be independently investigated.

“Despite protestations by Israeli officials to the contrary, the evidence is overwhelming that the number of aid trucks getting into Gaza is a fraction of what is needed. Children are starving, aid workers are being killed, people have been run over and shot as they desperately try to get food, and the bombs continue to fall. The U.S. is now stepping in to carry out an air and sea relief operation — actions that, while necessary and welcome, come at great costs.

“I agree with President Biden, who in calling for a temporary ceasefire said that Prime Minister Netanyahu is ‘hurting Israel more than helping Israel.’ As I have said repeatedly, Israel is using U.S. warplanes, bombs, tanks, and artillery in what has become a war against the Palestinian people. It must stop.

“Besides creating a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, Mr. Netanyahu is doing grave damage to Israel’s moral standing, including in the United States. Our next generation only knows an Israeli Prime Minister who has embraced extremism and sabotaged efforts to achieve a Palestinian state, which is the only solution to this conflict.”
