Press Release

Welch Applauds Biden’s Executive Action to Improve Protections for Undocumented Spouses of U.S. Citizens, Streamline Access to Work Visas for Dreamers

Jun 18, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senator Peter Welch (D-Vt.) today released the following statement applauding President Biden’s new Executive Action providing much-needed relief to certain DACA recipients and undocumented spouses and children of U.S. citizens, including hundreds of individuals in Vermont: 

“For years, outdated barriers in our immigration system have deprived undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens of crucial protections from deportation, limited their employment opportunities, and prevented them from obtaining citizenship. In Vermont and across the country, this means thousands of families must live in daily fear of sudden separation from their loved ones. I applaud the Biden-Harris Administration on this new action that will help keep families together and streamline pathways to citizenship. 

“Today’s Executive Action will also help open doors for current DACA enrollees by streamlining access to work visas for individuals who have worked hard for their college degree and secured an offer of employment. Dreamers and DACA recipients are vital contributors to our communities and economy, and this action will make it easier for them to continue investing their talents in our local communities. Dreamers are teachers, doctors, and frontline health care workers, first responders, farmers, business owners, and more. They are a critical part of America.  

“While we wait for Congressional Republicans to stop obstructing negotiations around bipartisan immigration reform, this is a positive development.” 
