Press Release

Welch Statement on One-Year Anniversary of Vermont’s Flood 

Jul 9, 2024

BURLINGTON, VT — One year ago this week, extreme rain caused catastrophic flooding across Vermont. Some areas of the state received more than two months-worth of rain—over nine inches of rainfall—in a matter of two days. Homes, businesses, and farms were damaged; many were destroyed. Senator Peter Welch (D-Vt.) released the following statement on the anniversary of the first day of the July 2023 flooding: 

“Last July’s catastrophic flood took an immense toll on our state. It was an all-hands-on-deck moment. Vermonters across the state—neighbors and volunteers, first responders and emergency workers, local news reporters, leaders at every level of government and of every political leaning—came together to help the victims of this terrible disaster.    

“I have revisited many of the communities that were hit hard by flooding last July, and in every community I have seen strength, resilience, and grit – and it gives me confidence that we will come back stronger than before. Our Vermont Values have shown the country what is possible in times of great adversity. Our perseverance has remained long after the flood waters have receded. 

“Our recovery from the flood is, without question, far from complete. Vermont needs more resources, in flexible federal dollars for impacted homeowners, farmers and businesses, and more dollars and technical assistance for our towns and municipalities. This tragedy has also shown inefficiencies in our crisis response processes, and we will keep working together to cut through the red tape and delays, which are totally unacceptable.  

“I will continue partnering with Governor Scott, the Vermont Congressional Delegation, the Biden-Harris Administration, and our local leaders to help Vermont recover from the flood more resiliently, preparing for a future marred by the realities of the climate crisis. Together, we will all rebuild a stronger Vermont.” 
