
Statement for the Congressional Recordon Juan LópezSenator Peter Welch (D-Vt.)September 18, 2024 Madam President, over the past six years, my office, and the office of my predecessor Senator Leahy, have received reports of recurring threats, attacks, arbitrary arrests, and assassinations of members of the Guapinol,…
Statement for the Congressional Record on Gillie HopkinsSenator Peter Welch (D-Vt.)September 18, 2024 Mr. WELCH. Mr. President, today I celebrate Rachel Gilbert Hopkins, a dedicated Vermonter who has worked to improve our State’s adoption system and connect children to a loving family. Vermont’s team within…
Statement for the Congressional Record In Recognition of the Passing of Bob Newhart Senator Peter Welch (D-Vt.) August 5, 2024 Madam President, in late July, Vermonters and Americans mourned the passing of Bob Newhart, a talented and award-winning actor who changed the history of comedy…