Press Release

Senator Peter Welch, Governor Phil Scott, and Vermont Secretary of Agriculture, Food and Markets Anson Tebbetts Visit Paul Mazza Fruit & Vegetable to Call for Disaster Relief for Vermont Farmers

Jul 24, 2023

ESSEX JUNCTION, VT—Senator Peter Welch, Vermont Governor Phil Scott, Vermont Secretary of Agriculture Anson Tebbetts, and State and local agriculture stakeholders visited farmer Paul Mazza and his family at the Paul Mazza’s Fruit and Vegetables farm in Essex Junction today to survey extensive damage to crops on the farm following historic flooding across Vermont earlier this month. The bipartisan group called for swift relief for Vermont farmers and a coordinated state and federal response to disaster recovery in the state.  

“Our farmers are resilient, and they will recover from this flooding. They’ve always been there for Vermont and now we’re standing together to support them,” said Sen. Welch. “I was proud to join Governor Scott and Secretary of Agriculture Tebbetts today to call for the relief Vermont farmers need to get back on their feet. We can’t secure all the relief Vermonters need without evidence of what we’ve been through, which is why it’s so critical we fully document damage to homes, crops, and small businesses now.”

“This month’s flooding impacted thousands of acres of farmland, like we saw today in Essex Junction, and it’s critical we do whatever we can to help those who make their living off the land recover. I want to thank Senator Welch for his efforts on behalf of Vermont’s farmers. I know he and our full congressional delegation are working hard in Washington to help those impacted. My team and I will continue to work with them as we recover,” said Governor Scott.  

Vermont farmers impacted by the July 2023 storm are encouraged to document all damage to their homes by submitting time-stamped photos and a detailed report of damage on the Vermont 2-1-1 website or by calling 2-1-1. Farmers should report estimated crop and infrastructure losses to their county’s U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency (FSA) office. For more information on USDA FSA, please click here.  

Impacted farms are encouraged to report damage as soon as possible, regardless of what county they’re located in. Senator Welch’s team of caseworkers can help Vermonters work with federal agencies like the Small Business Administration, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the USDA. For assistance, please call Senator Welch’s Burlington office: 802-863-2525. 
