Press Release

Welch, Casey Introduce CLEARED Act to Increase Accessibility in Classified Spaces 

Aug 2, 2024

Bill to help people who work in classified settings and rely on electronic medical devices 

BURLINGTON, VT – This week, Senator Peter Welch (D-Vt.) and Senator Bob Casey (D-Pa.) introduced the Cleared Locations Enabling Access to Relevant Essential Devices (CLEARED) Act of 2024. The legislation would require additional transparency and accountability measures to reduce barriers for employees with disabilities or chronic health conditions who work in sensitive compartmented information facility – or SCIFs. The bill urges the Director of National Intelligence to support employees that rely on electronic medical devices, including people who may rely on insulin pumps, hearing aids, heart monitors or other personal electronic medical devices.  

“The women and men of the Intelligence Community bravely serve America and protect us from harms that are unthinkable to many of us. The CLEARED Act requires additional transparency and oversight of how classified spaces accommodate critical medical technologies. We must ensure all federal employees can utilize the medical devices they need to manage their health, while also safeguarding our national security. We can do both,” said Senator Welch

“People with disabilities should not be forced to forego career opportunities simply because of the medical technology they rely on,” said Senator Casey. “This bill will help make it possible for people with disabilities to serve our country and pursue careers in national security while still having access to the devices and accommodations they need to thrive.” 

A 2024 GAO study found that employees with disabilities who rely on medical technologies encounter significant barriers to working in classified settings. As a result, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) introduced the Intelligence Community Directive 124 (ICD 124) to address this issue. This bill would codify certain ICD 124 guidance and expand on the IC’s efforts.  

The CLEARED Act requires additional transparency and accountability in classified settings, while balancing national security considerations. The bill requests information from the ODNI on how personal electronic medical devices are approved or denied for use in classified spaces and encourages modernization efforts that ensure federal employment continues to be inclusive.  

Specifically, this bill requests that: 

  1. Electronic medical device approvals and denials for use in classified spaces is properly catalogued to ensure appropriate oversight; 
  1. A list of electronic medical devices compliant with technical requirements for use in classified spaces is created and made accessible to employees; 
  1. An IC working group shall review relevant medical device approvals/denials and devices compliant for use in classified spaces and report findings to the Director of National Intelligence; and 
  1. The Director makes recommendations on future security research and technical requirement for sensitive compartmented information facility to ensure the IC’s ability to hire and retain individuals dependent on electronic medical devices. 

Read the full text of the bill. 
