Press Release

Welch Celebrates $3.45 Million Investment in Vermont’s Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center

Oct 4, 2024

BURLINGTON, VT—Today, U.S. Senator Peter Welch (D-Vt.), member of the Senate Agriculture Committee and Chair of the Subcommittee on Rural Development and Energy, celebrated the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s investment of $3.45 million in the Vermont-based Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center (NE-DBIC), which is housed within the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets. The Innovation Center, which was a priority of former Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), was established in the 2018 Farm Bill and supports dairy farmers and processors in the Northeast with grants and technical assistance so they can both expand their business’ growth and help expand economies in rural America.  

This funding will support Vermont and Northeast dairy farmer and producers as the NE-DBIC continues its work across our region. As of August 2024, the NE-DBIC has provided $31 million in support for 333 projects. Previous grants have supported the development of new dairy products, innovations in dairy processing and packaging, and marketing improvements. Farmers have received funding to modernize their operations, improve energy efficiency and adopt climate resilient practices. 

“The Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center is working closely with dairy farmers and producers in Vermont and across the Northeast to help grow their businesses and plan for the future,” said Senator Welch. “This investment from the Biden-Harris Administration and the USDA is a commitment to our dairy farmers and the success of Vermont’s rural economies. This federal funding is critical and one our priorities because it provides the freedom our farmers need as they work to innovate their everyday operations. I will keep fighting in Washington for a Farm Bill that supports Vermont farms, the dairy industry, and the Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives program.”  

“We are grateful for the support from USDA and Secretary Vilsack. Investing in our dairy farmers and processors grows the Vermont economy and strengthens farm businesses across the Northeast. These dollars will ensure we have a nutritious supply of dairy products for all of us to enjoy,” said Vermont Secretary of Agriculture Anson Tebbetts

“The Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center team is thankful to USDA for the continued funding and support. With these additional funds we will be able to support dozens of additional projects that will positively impact dairy farmers and processors for years to come. The DBI funds provide an opportunity for an investment across the dairy supply chain, working to build resiliency and innovation into the region’s dairy sector,” said Laura Ginsburg, Dairy Strategy and Innovation Manager, Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets

“USDA is committed to helping America’s dairy industry remain competitive as they work hard to provide necessary, nutritious dairy products to communities nationwide,” said USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack. “Through the Dairy Business Innovation Initiative, we aim to help the dairy industry access new and better market, spur innovation, and create economic growth. To date, the Initiatives have invested over $64 million into more than 600 projects that are increasing dairy supply chain resiliency, creating new markets, and expanding economic growth in rural economies.” 

The Senate Agriculture Committee’s Farm Bill proposal, the Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act, includes several bills and policies for the dairy industry written, supported and championed by Senator Welch, including a provision to reauthorize and increase authorization from $20 million to $36 million for the Dairy Business Innovation (DBI) Initiatives program. 

Funding was awarded to the four current DBI Initiatives—at the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets; California State University, Fresno; the University of Tennessee; and the University of Wisconsin. The funding provided by the Biden-Harris Administration and the USDA will be provided to dairy farmers and producers through sub-award funding. More information about the USDA’s DBI Initiatives can be found here.  

Farmers interested in applying or learning more should visit the Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center’s (NE-DBIC) website.  
