Press Release

Welch Joins Stop Corrupt Gratuities Act to Crack Down on State, Local Corruption

Oct 9, 2024

Bill comes after the Supreme Court decision gutted anti-corruption laws

WASHINGTON, D.C. Senator Peter Welch (D-Vt.), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, joined Senators Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) in introducing the Stop Corrupt Gratuities Act to strengthen federal corruption laws after the U.S. Supreme Court made it easier for state and local officials to accept “gratuities” for official actions. The Stop Corrupt Gratuities Act makes it clear that gratuities and other gifts of value outside of official duties, intending to reward or to be a reward, are criminal acts under federal law. The bill strengthens public trust in state and local government officials by clearly banning corrupt payments, veiled gifts, or the exchange of any valuables intended to influence decision-makers. 

“Let’s call a spade a spade: when money exchanges hands after an official action, that’s a bribe. Leaving corruption unchecked undermines the integrity of our democracy, which is why it needs to be addressed immediately. It’s disappointing that our activist majority on the Supreme Court, already mired in ethical scandals of its own, took a knife to the ethical standards meant to protect other institutions against unethical ‘gratuities,’ and bribes,” said Senator Welch. “This commonsense bill will help protect our democratic institutions from corruption and increase accountability.” 

 “Gratuities that change hands after the completion of an official action are bribes, plain and simple,” said Senator Merkley. “This crooked and corrupt practice is a clear threat to the integrity of our democratic institutions and should be banned. We must put the people ahead of the privileged and powerful—my Stop Corrupt Gratuities Act does just that by providing a simple fix to strengthen federal anti-bribery laws.” 

“Bribery is bribery, and we need to fight back against Donald Trump’s extremist Supreme Court’s attempts to rig our government for the wealthy and well-connected,” said Senator Warren. “The Stop Corrupt Gratuities Act will help make sure our state and local officials are working for the American people, not the highest bidder.” 

Decided by the Supreme Court earlier this year, the Snyder v. United States case stems from the corrupt actions of the former mayor of Portage, Indiana, who awarded a $1.1 million contract to purchase garbage trucks and then accepted a $13,000 “gratuity” from the same truck company afterward. The Supreme Court ultimately ruled that state officials may accept “gratuities” from people who wish to reward them for their official actions, weakening federal anti-corruption statute. 

The Stop Corrupt Gratuities Act is endorsed by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), Transparency International U.S., Project On Government Oversight (POGO), and Public Citizen. 

Read the full text of the bill. 
