BURLINGTON, VT — U.S. Senator Peter Welch (D-Vt.) joined the Weather Channel to discuss the impact of flooding and natural disasters on infrastructure, including Vermont’s continued work to rebuild after devastating floods in July 2023 and 2024. Senator Welch also emphasized his work to secure federal disaster recovery funding for Vermont.
“It’s not just the state of Vermont–it’s the entire country that is being hammered by this changing weather pattern that we have. So, the number one thing is that we’ve got to build for resilience,” said Senator Welch. “And every single dollar that we spend on resilience saves about $318 down the road. That requires two things from the federal government: one–funding…so that local authorities can make those decisions. And two–it means flexibility. This is something that is a real challenge for Vermont, but we’re not unique. I know my colleagues have the same problems, whether they’re a red state or blue state.”
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This summer, Senator Welch shared a new report released by the U.S. Senate Joint Economic Committee’s Democratic majority that found flooding damage costs an equivalent of 1-2% of U.S. GDP, or $180-$496 billion, each year. The analysis found that the ongoing impacts of climate change were likely to increase costs in the future. Another recent analysis found that every $1 spent on flood resiliency efforts saves up to $318 in flood-related damages.
Senator Welch has visited and met with municipal, state, and federal leaders across Vermont in the aftermath of the damaging floods in Vermont to survey the impacts firsthand and to help Vermonters recover and build back stronger. Senator Welch has urged his colleagues to pass disaster supplemental funding for Vermont’s flood-impacted homeowners, farmers, and businesses.