Press Release

Welch Raises Concerns About Threats to Election Administration, Stresses Importance of Supporting and Safeguarding Civil Servants

Nov 3, 2023

WASHINGTON – During a Senate Rules and Administration Committee hearing this week, Senator Peter Welch (D-Vt.) raised concerns about persisting threats to the nation’s election administration and stressed the importance of holding those who interfere with elections accountable. Sen. Welch also emphasized the need to support and safeguard the welfare of civil servants assisting with election administration. 

“What I find so inspiring about each of you is your dedication to respecting the will of the people you serve. Let them decide, it’s as simple as that. And make it as easy as possible for them to vote. That’s why it’s dismaying and discouraging to hear the stories about how people that work with you, and I’m sure you’re really concerned about every day—and they’re close to being volunteers many of them, in Vermont most are—get threatened,” said Sen. Welch. “I want to express to you my gratitude because it’s your kind of leadership and civic sense of responsibility that has to overtake the folks who think that they can win an election by things that they do after.” 

Earlier this year, Senator Welch joined Senator Klobuchar, Chair of the Rules Committee, in introducing the Support our Election Workers Act and the Election Workers Protection Act, bills that will respond to growing threats of violence and intimidation that have driven many election workers from their post and created staffing shortages for roles that are essential for the functioning of our democracy. 

Watch a clip of Sen. Welch’s remarks here

To watch the full hearing, click here
