Press Release

Welch Statement on Supreme Court’s Decision in Trump’s Immunity Case 

Jul 1, 2024

BURLINGTON, VT — Today the U.S. Supreme Court released its decision in Donald Trump’s immunity case. Sen. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) released the following statement: 

“This activist Supreme Court has unconscionably allowed Donald Trump to evade criminal liability, a move that all but ensures he will never face justice for his attempts to subvert our democracy. It defies logic and our nation’s democratic principle that no person is above the law. Today the Supreme Court stood up for a political figure rather than the rule of law. 

“This Court has lost all credibility—made painfully clear by the fact that Justice Thomas and Justice Alito refused to recuse themselves from this case despite their glaring lack of impartiality. 

“It is clear that Donald Trump does not believe the law applies to him. This decision makes it clear the conservative Justices of this Supreme Court believe the same.” 
