Press Release

Welch Statement on the Continued Need for Disaster Recovery Funding 

Sep 23, 2024

Welch: “This Continuing Resolution will not meet the needs of Vermont, or any state recovering from a disaster.”   

WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Senator Peter Welch (D-Vt.) released the following statement in response to both Chambers of Congress reaching a bipartisan agreement on a short-term Continuing Resolution (CR), which would fund the government through December 20th but excludes significant additional disaster recovery funding:  

“For months, bipartisan members of Congress from states devastated by floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes and other climate disasters have asked their colleagues to step up and help in their time of need. I have come to the Senate Floor to advocate for Vermont’s flood victims, met with my colleagues, and asked Congressional leadership and the Administration for the assistance needed.  

“I’ll often say, ‘There but for the grace of God go I’, because climate disasters do not discriminate based on state boundaries or political preferences. Climate change-related weather disasters have hurt blue states and red states alike. All of our constituents face the same threats. 

“Vermont’s homeowners, farms, businesses and communities need FEMA’s Disaster Recovery Fund to be fully replenished, and they need the additional flexible funding that only Congress can provide. We are recovering from three catastrophic floods in 14 months, and we cannot recover alone. This Continuing Resolution will not meet the long-term needs of Vermont, or any state recovering from a disaster.   

“Though I’m glad a deal has been reached to keep the government open, we cannot keep pushing disaster aid off. There is bipartisan need for this funding, and there is bipartisan support to get it passed.”  
