
Welch Statement on the Passing of Bob Newhart

Aug 5, 2024

Statement for the Congressional Record
In Recognition of the Passing of Bob Newhart
Senator Peter Welch (D-Vt.)
August 5, 2024

Madam President, in late July, Vermonters and Americans mourned the passing of Bob Newhart, a talented and award-winning actor who changed the history of comedy forever. His celebrated television show, ‘Newhart’ aired on CBS from 1982 to 1990, and gave the United States a window into dreamy, rural Vermont’s picturesque Green Mountain view. As Dick Loudon, Mr. Newhart brought laughter and Vermont Values into the living rooms of millions of Americans.

In ‘Newhart,’ Dick and his wife escape New York City and buy the Stratford Inn, better known by the real-world residents of Middlebury, Vermont, as the Waybury Inn. The production crew saw the Waybury Inn while scouting locations and knew it was the perfect location. The Inn still has props from the show on display, and the 214-year-old Inn hosts travelers and diners to this day. Over the show’s 184 episodes, Mr. Newhart and his cast centered their show around the fictional Stratford Inn, capturing the very real spirit and beauty of Vermont and the hard-working people that make it home.

Television and the arts play the important role in our lives and culture, bringing together friends and families, bridging cultural divides, and helping heal during times of difficulty. Mr. Newhart’s Grammy and Emmy award winning performances and countless television shows and movies exemplify the power of comedy—and the essential role the arts play in our social fabric.

Mr. Newhart was an icon of comedy and Hollywood, but Vermonters will always remember his time as our favorite innkeeper.
