Press Release

Welch Supports Bill to Keep Government Open, Vows to Keep Fighting for Disaster Recovery Funding in December Budget Bill

Sep 25, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senator Peter Welch (D-Vt.) released the following statement on the Senate and House passage of a Continuing Resolution, which will fund the government through December 20th and avoid a costly government shutdown: 

“It’s unacceptable that some in Congress view paying our bills and keeping the lights on as ‘optional.’ Tonight, we should have negotiated and passed a bipartisan budget bill that looks forward to 2025 and beyond. It’s long-past time every one of my colleagues—in the Senate and the House—commits to passing a budget every year, instead of using government funding and the economic security of hardworking Vermont families as a bargaining chip.

“By its very function, a Continuing Resolution should continue the government services and funding our communities rely on. This bill does not hit that mark. The disaster relief and recovery provisions in this package will not meet the long-term needs of Vermont, or any state recovering from a disaster. This bill risks another depletion of FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund. Spending down next year’s funds early, especially as we deal with more catastrophic weather, threatens to create a perfect storm by our next funding deadline. 

“It is our responsibility to fund the government and avoid a shutdown, so tonight I voted for this bill—despite its flaws. But I will keep working across the aisle and across the Capitol to secure the disaster recovery funding Vermont and every state devastated by natural disasters needs.”
